Post by Shaman King Yoh Asakura on Jul 31, 2005 18:26:51 GMT -5
That pic of Hao on the left side is cool.
All I see is the cover. How do you get the scans.(Not like I need them or anything seen I read this at "Kawaii Hana".)
EDIT:Nevermind,I figured it out.
Senior Shaman
I'm like a weed! A friendly weed!
Posts: 371
Post by Shadowchan on Jul 31, 2005 21:38:52 GMT -5
[/color][/quote] That's site's in French, not Spanish.
Post by kitsurubami on Jul 31, 2005 21:50:08 GMT -5
Oh? I'm an idiot XP. It would be nice to have a brain
Full Fledged Shaman
Posts: 123
Post by Eliza on Sept 2, 2005 9:20:48 GMT -5
What if Hana really is Hao's child? I mean, like Yoh thought Hana was his child, but really, it belomged to Hao? If you know what I mean...
Post by resurie on Sept 2, 2005 20:03:11 GMT -5
Not exactly. Does anybody even read the first post anymore? o_O I'll italicize the main point: I found this on a website....o_0...I rephrased it a bit though....remember! SPOILERS! "As you know, Takei published "Funbari no UTA", which is a side story to Shaman King. The story takes place in 2007, where Yoh and Anna's son is 6 years old.
This would mean that Hana was born in 2001.
Well, since SK started in 1998, when Yoh and the gang are 13 years old, their official birthday is in 1985, that means in 2001; Yoh could be 16 years old.
And since the manga had progressed to a point where Yoh and the gang are already 15, this raised a question: "In which chapter did it *happen*?"
Let me explain, when Sati sent Yoh to hell to train with Asakura Yohken, he was 15 at the time. And when Yohken was talking, he said something along the lines of "Did you leave your seed at home?", to this, Yoh blushes.
So that means, by the time you get to chapter 254, Yoh and Anna have already "done it", if you know what I mean."Wouldn't that mean that Yoh and Anna "did it" at age 15? o_0 .... and~ NO, I did not calculate this....the webmistress of the site I found this on did.......(so I give credit of this to her...no I don't know her...only credit-ing her...). I only rephrased it a bit to be more "SKU friendly". My moderator respect is decreasing....I know it.... Also, Mata told me that Yohken also said "Did you properly leave a descendent behind?", leading Yoh to collapse to the floor, and Amidamaru whispers into Yohken's ear saying "Well actually..." then Yohken replies with "Ahh...that's good." o_O So yeah. Mata told me that last part by the way. The part not quoted. And I know the web mistress now actually. XD She's a really really good friend of mine. XD; Her site, Believe, which is where I got this from, was taken down. So it no longer exists.
Post by wannabeeliza on Sept 5, 2005 2:05:29 GMT -5
if my Health teacher or my home Ec. teacher saw this they'd FLIP
and i quote:
"I can't belive kids your age are having babies most of you havn't even finsihed puberty your bodies aren't ready for the stresses of having children!"
and the lady
"Its hard ot belive kids your age are having babies your just babies yourself!"
My mom had a baby when she was 15 and another on the way before her 16th i belive. she was married (unhappliy and this was in the 60's or so) too. its because of that fact shes making a big deal out of my sweet 16 i swear she's all worried about me getting knocked up and married to a boozer sence i was 10...
and a girl had a baby in the 8th grade she went to night school so know one saw her pregnate but her sister brought the baby oy into school for lunch one day...cutest thing ever... he'll be 2 sometime this year i think...scandalist part she had the baby with her sisiters boyfriend he was 23 or so and neither of them minded and i think the 'grandparents' minded either from what i an tell no hard feeling from the sister too....
so anna and yoh going at it at 15 is something i could see even though its accourding to diffrent laws
Anna:*is swinning the beads around like a rope*
Yoh:*running away*
Anna:*hog ties Yoh*
Yoh: ;___; had to happen eventullly...
i never quite got there relationship but more power to them if its working out...
Post by kitsurubami on Sept 7, 2005 22:05:48 GMT -5
They have tons of stories about Yoh and anna having tons of kids WOOT 0_0 which puts dirty thoughts into my head that I just can't get over. Yes they are all frightening. I still like YohXAnna though. But a little less than I used to for some reason. They have funbari no uta translated into spanish and english on this other site I go to to print pictures of Ren (Whoops!). There's a link on that Kawaii Hana site ^^;;;;
Post by wannabeeliza on Sept 13, 2005 0:30:45 GMT -5
*finally got to explore kawaii hana site* WOW!
ok...o__o;;;; Tamao DID look a little evil....
starts muttering things about biker mammas with butcher knives
but YEY there all grown up i saved the pictures!
Hana looks like a little trouble maker in the making...
Conchi and Ponchi finally got there acts together YEY! XD
that kid might just make it...
Post by kitsurubami on Sept 18, 2005 16:50:02 GMT -5
You know what? When I read funbari no Uta (In spanish,could understand some of it)Hana's personality reminded me alot of Spike from Cowboy Bebop. A calm laid-back but with a snotty attitude. This makes me wonder if Spike's mom and dad were anything like Yoh and anna
Post by TaoShaman on Nov 17, 2006 22:18:23 GMT -5
Did'nt Faust like die or something?and my friends said Horohoro looks like a hobo when i descibed him to them.
Post by haovsyoh on Jan 18, 2007 5:13:38 GMT -5
ok I havent actualy seen the Hana manga (YET) - but mabe Yoh looks like Hao because Hao won the shaman king fight and they kind of... re-joined half souls... and became the original Asakura Hao (lets call him Hayoh ;D)... but yoh made up a WHOLE half of that soul so he became slightly ... less evil... and less inclined to destroy all humanity wow that sounded so much cooler in my mind then it does on paper computer screen and about the whole s.e.x thing at such a young age... who could keep there hands off Yoh? His a total hottie!!... ahem... for a cartoon and fictional character... i mean (( ))) You Know, before I read this I fogot that they were so young... they act waaay more mature then any wittle 15 year olds I know.((::says the BIG 16yr old:: ... HEY ill be 17 in .... 1, 2....7 on the 4th of Feb )) ... Yes, I am done talking to myself... p.s. it doesnt matter if it was hao or yoh who fathered hana... their identical twins - they have the exact same DNA - therefore it makes absolutely NO difference, and DNA tests would do nothing ((It was SO yoh anyway))
Post by TaoShaman on Jan 20, 2007 20:33:32 GMT -5
there still is a extremely small possibility neither yoh or hao are hana's father. who truly knows for all we truly know he could be related to any of the guys except Ren and Faust because Ren doesnt seem like that and Faust loves Eliza. I highly doubt this though anyway. It just popped into my head.