Full Fledged Shaman
Doug, what you did is RAPE. You RAPED Patti!
Posts: 114
Post by Yash on Jun 18, 2005 1:22:46 GMT -5
For some reason, on various boards I'm seeing topics from 2004. No new posts or anything.
Anyone know why?
Post by resurie on Jun 18, 2005 1:31:17 GMT -5
Yesterday a new member spammed the board with poetry. All 106 posts of hers were poetry. She bumped up a lot of topics, and Lovely and I deleted all the poetry, so the old topics stay where they are.
Post by Dessa on Jun 19, 2005 0:11:37 GMT -5
Just thought I'd mention that the video games forum seems to be messed up also... I think it's 'cuz something (or things) got deleted, but it says that the newest post is Jr's June 1st post in Star Ocean, but there's been newer posts in Suikoden and other threads.
Post by Saturn on Jun 19, 2005 8:32:28 GMT -5
It was because mule posted in those threads, so they stay in the order she had posted. But all her posts got removed. It should fix itself as people start to post in there again.
Post by Sayoky on Jul 15, 2005 7:51:09 GMT -5
What is a mule? Sorry for asking......and umm...about the old threads I don't see why they should bother anyone as ong as they haven't done any harm....so far....you're not obligated to post anything there if you don't want to...
Post by TakinawaTonfa on Jul 15, 2005 9:27:38 GMT -5
To answer your question Sayoky, a mule is the hybrid (a cross between) of a horse and a donkey. Theye are seterile, which means they cant reproduce. Although this particular brand of 'jackass' dosen't seem to have a problem with that...
Post by Sayoky on Jul 16, 2005 2:33:55 GMT -5
...so ka.....arigatou!So...if you call someone a mule that's an insult,right?I get it...thankies!
Senior Shaman
Spike. Bebop. Is there anything better?
Posts: 379
Post by Useless on Jul 16, 2005 8:05:11 GMT -5
...so ka.....arigatou!So...if you call someone a mule that's an insult,right?I get it...thankies! *shrugs and takes the risk of looking like an idiot* Aside from a potential insult, mule is also the name of an a-hole spammer that keeps coming back here under new names, despite getting those and her original SKU name banned.
Post by Sayoky on Jul 16, 2005 10:43:22 GMT -5
What an idiot...sorry for being rude but that's a total crap...spammers...who needs them?!