Post by andysislands on Feb 7, 2007 12:57:12 GMT -5
Ever wondered what some of the later parts of the manga would look like animated? Ever wanted to see what the Japanese Shaman King: Funbari Spirits game for PS2 looked like? Ever wonder why the SFOV (Shaman Fight of Vocal) singles were created? Well, I'm the man with the answers. In the upcoming week or two over at The Great Spirit ( thegreatspirit.net ) I'm going to be uploading tons of videos of gameplay from Shaman King: Funbari Spirits. And of course, they will all be direct feed. So no video cam records, or bad sound. Only direct feed videos I made myself. Here's a little preview trailer I made of some of the videos I made so far: www.youtube.com/watch?v=TexXXRK6HAQRight now, I have almost 2 hours of direct feed videos. That's everything from battles, to cutscenes, to just walking around! You don't need much Japanese knowledge, just enough to pick out like key words said in English, and a bit of the later half of the manga (like Volume +18). So, come check out the website for more videos! If there is no news to give, we might as well make our own!
Full Fledged Shaman
Time is my only enemy...
Posts: 169
Post by ShiroiUsagi on Feb 28, 2007 20:40:31 GMT -5
Oh! I own the game! I bought a Japanese PS2, and have Funbari Spirits. I recently got a memory card, so now I can actually progress. It's awesome, isn't it? Guess who was the first to join my parrty in this saved file?
Faust VIII. XD
Cute Newbie
....Kumo wa iinaa....
Posts: 1
Post by Xero on Mar 2, 2007 13:28:15 GMT -5
I love faust in this game xDD
Giant Eliza Stepping on someone is always good
But my favorite in this game is Hao
Even though he is kinda cheap xDDD
Yay more people other than me own this game...IM NOT ALONE ^______^