Post by ViciousKatanaGuy on May 22, 2007 14:04:02 GMT -5
VIZ does not plan to actually end production of Shaman King in the U.S. and Canada.
Though SJ will no longer grace the pages of the U.S. Shonen Jump.
A paragraph on page 382 of the July 2007 Volume 5 Issue 7 states: "Next month will be the last time you'll read Shaman King in the pages of SJ. No, the Shaman Fight doesn't wrap up in the next chapter. Far from it! There's plenty more shaman action on the way, but not in the way you'd expect. Check out Page 246 for the lowdown.
Page 246 states; "Shamans of the world, rejoice! Your favorite manga will soon be in your hot little hands every other month as SJ manga volumes as part of SJ Evolution! That means more shaman fights, more shaman fun and less time spent hanging out by your mailbox. Yoh and his shaggy crew will appear for the last time in SJ next month, all in preparation to go bi-monthly as manga volumes starting in January 2008."
Post by Throes on May 23, 2007 17:16:33 GMT -5
Well that's good news. Not only will we see faster releases, but hopefully Viz will tone down the amount of editing done visually, and verbally, since it's not in the magazine anymore. Although I don't expect it will be much less edited.
Post by kimaraoyamada on May 24, 2007 20:58:20 GMT -5
As someone who does not subscribe to Shonen Jump monthly, I hope no one takes offense to this comment, but...
Senior Shaman
Posts: 422
Post by Vasuki on May 25, 2007 11:07:38 GMT -5
Wow.... I'll have no reason to continue my subscription any longer... crazy. But in better news, it means I'll be able to see the "conclusion" of my favourite series before my future kids graduate college.
Post by TakinawaTonfa on May 25, 2007 22:57:59 GMT -5
Hard to believe that its practically following the same fate as in Japan Aw well, faster releases = good thing. I wasn't diggin' the whole one chapter a month trend they were having. On top of that, We've got Bobobo.
Senior Shaman
Posts: 346
Post by Hana on Jun 4, 2007 0:30:29 GMT -5
ah, definitely a good thing. I don't read most of SJ anyway, I've always bought the GNs of Shaman King
Senior Shaman
Wake up and smell the Pyron/Jun.
Posts: 265
Post by Setsumi-san on Jun 13, 2007 18:21:58 GMT -5
(sighs) I can't believe its popularity declined. I wonder why. Oh well, it's not like it's stopping altogether.
Two-thousand eight? I don't wanna wait until then! (runs in circles and screams like an idiot)
Full Fledged Shaman
Only emo kids bump on Autotopia.
Posts: 145
Post by yashaboy on Jul 6, 2007 16:15:18 GMT -5
I agree with you, Setsumi-san. I was hoping we'd get the faster releases now. But think of it this way, it's a short period of pain and waiting until we get to bimonthly-releases.
Consider its declining popularity a blessing in disguise. I seriously did not want to keep collecting Shaman King until I was old and grey. Plus this gives me the chance to start collecting other manga series once they're all out.
Full Fledged Shaman
Time is my only enemy...
Posts: 169
Post by ShiroiUsagi on Jul 9, 2007 9:42:42 GMT -5
I was depressed when I read this in SJ. It pissed me off that they made it seem like a good thing. Not only has SJ unofficially become Naruto Monthly, they are carrying YuGiOh GX and cutting Shaman King? It's... a tradition thing for me I guess. I have lots of memories. Oh my gosh I'm actually tearing up as I write this. *sniffles* I've been wanting to write to SJ for a while. In the back of one issue, they proclaimed 'the return of Faust VIII.' Now, those of you who know me, I'm a huge Faust fan. (for those of you who don't remember; hi.) The result was one 'reincarnation.' Next month was the same. One chapter. Then they say they're canceling it. Whereas it would be pointless for Naruto to go bimonthly, as each SJ issue practically contains an entire manga volume. (I do like Naruto, don't get me wrong. But Shaman King's my favorite. And SJ's been getting kind of ridiculous.) I'm gonna miss the smell of SJ. Well, the edits better be cut. Back the way it was. With buttcracks XD.
Post by Sanji on Jul 11, 2007 23:40:11 GMT -5
When I found out Yu-Gi-Oh GX had a manga, I lol'd. Thank god I stopped buying that crappy magazine years ago.