Just saw the episode...resurie is full of JOY! ^^!
4kids handled this episode incredibly well. They kept all the dialouge practically intact, there were only a few changes, usually to add some sort of comedic affect. But I'm talking about the explanation of Hao, and inside of THE BOOK! ^^!
First off...that flashback...had very weird music playing. The music is the only problem in this episode, it wasn't handled well at all. It took away the feeling the episode gave you.
Well, it seems that "Shaman only" rule is cleared up, they say something that they'll sneak Morty in with a napsack or something. o_0
Anna calling Yoh "sweetiepie" =
....Yeah...She also says "My Yoh" afterward. XD But she says that in another episode so it's all good. XD
Jeanne's voice...ok, here's the thing. It
is a very good voice, the VA does a good job in my opinion. But the voice is too old sounding for Jeanne. In other words, it's a good voice, it just doesn't suit Jeanne.
I'm sorry...but 'Zeke Asakura' just sounds bad...and the fact everyone was referring him as 'Zeke' ruined the feeling...T_T And the way they pronounce 'Asakura' gives me bad Cardcaptors flashbacks...
I don't think this was in the original...dub Anna mentions that the past Asakuras mastered the Tome of the Shaman to defeat Zeke. First off, I don't believe that's true, I don't remember. Plus, if that's true, wouldn't that mean that Yoh could defeat Zeke now? o_0
I would just like to say, they explained Hao perfectly! ^^! They didn't add anything in there. It wasn't exact, but it was explained correctly. The only thing they didn't mention was when Anna said Hao had surpassed humans.
Ashil, about that other 'seduce', Marco was talking about Zeke's will.
They said something about porcupines...o_0 and then everyone was laughing, leading Trey to say "Why are we laughing dudes?" I'd like to know the same thing Trey...
I won't mention the pentagram...
I agree with Nielrian, why the hell was Morty's computer talking? o_0
Ok, now, the scene in THE BOOK. It was handled great! Dialouge-wise...
They kept the guys thinking those mean thoughts about Hao-sama. >< They even kept one saying "He's a demon disguised as a human" And...
What the hell is with 1,000 Hao's voice??
?! His voice keeps changing! It's his normal voice first...which irked me because it sounded weird...and then it goes lower...goes back to normal...low...normal...lo--nor--...you know, like that...T_T It confused me...and Hao wasn't really mentioning to everyone what they wanted for their dream when everything was going white.
But I am happy with the dialouge! It was almost exact! They even kept Hao saying "Come with me" XD! Hmm..after Hao said that, I think Yoh (well, in spanish at least) says "Hao...". I don't know...I just loved when he said it...^^ He didn't say anything in the dub.
But the thing I hated about the scene, was the music! 4kids oficially ruined this scene with their music!! It took away the whole feeling and everything! It was annoying me up to the part where you see the nature scene, at that point, the music got better.
The dialouge between Hao and Manta, and when they all come out, it's all good. ^^ It was probably changed around a bit, but it sounded ok to me. =D
They kept Marco's name, and his angel's name, Michael. But...how does Yoh know his name? o_0 He never told them...no one told Yoh...How the hell...
And what was with Yoh going "Hey Lyserg! How ya been!"? He didn't say anything to Lyserg in the original...I just felt it was out of place...
Hmm...it seems neither Yoh or Anna know what an antiquity is...maybe 4kids is trying to get kids to ask their parents? SK's gone educational! *cough*
But, the AnnaYoh scene was done really well! ^^ It wasn't messed up. Let's see...it went something like this...
Anna: Yoh...
Yoh: I know what you're going to say. (smile smile) I'm glad you're here too!
^^ Yay.
This is by far the best dub dialouge episode I've seen. =D A few things were changed, but I loved how this episode was handled.
I can't seem to get over the name 'Zeke' though...>_> Ruins everything....-__-
I'm done with my rant. XD
Hmm...about the Jeanne thing, I really don't know why she smiled, she tends to do that a lot. o_0 But my best guess would be that she knew nothing happened to Yoh and the others...and she was happy about it maybe...^^;; I don't know...
Yeah, 1,000 Hao looks like Sai. XD But Sai looks more girly. XP
Oh, did I mention Hao looks cute in this episode? =D I did? Oh well. XD